Virginia Richardson Virginia Richardson

Brain Fog and Menopause

Brain fog is that awful feeling where your brain feels like it’s full of cotton wool, you find it difficult to think clearly and make decisions. You may also find that there are other changes you are experiencing within your brain as you go through peri-menopause.

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Virginia Richardson Virginia Richardson

Gut Health and Menopause

Thinking about your gut health may not be the first thing that you are drawn to when considering peri menopause and menopause. It is definitely not the first symptom that people talk about however changes to bowel movements, bloating and many other gut symptoms can be something that women experience throughout this life stage journey.

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Virginia Richardson Virginia Richardson

Blood Sugar Balancing and Menopause

There is a common myth that all inflammation is bad and we should try and stop it. This myth may be due to a rise in chronic inflammatory health problems and the subsequent reliance on anti-inflammatory drugs. What is good and what is bad inflammation and how can you help yourself? Find out more here.

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Virginia Richardson Virginia Richardson

Skin Health

Skin is the largest organ in the body and therefore will require nourishment just like any other organ. The skin is unique as it is the only organ that we can see visually and is a mirror of what's going on metabolically - it is a massive reflection of your health. Learn more about what you can do for optimum skin health.

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Virginia Richardson Virginia Richardson


There is a common myth that all inflammation is bad and we should try and stop it. This myth may be due to a rise in chronic inflammatory health problems and the subsequent reliance on anti-inflammatory drugs. What is good and what is bad inflammation and how can you help yourself? Find out more here.

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Virginia Richardson Virginia Richardson

Sports Nutrition

This blog is dedicated to giving you a few tips on sports nutrition, particularly for those wanting to build muscle. Speaking generally in order to increase muscle mass, caloric intake should come from foods that contribute to muscle growth, such as lean protein, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, fruits and vegetables. Read my tops below on what else you need.

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